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This soap is based on glycerin, with the addition of jojoba oil beeds , which enriches the skin with moisture and foams the soap on the skin. Shaped with bumps to stimulate the blood and massage the muscles. Fresh scent of the sea, refreshing in the morning or after a long day of work.

Weight about 125 grams.

Ocean- Massage Soap Bar

  • סבון על בסיס גליצרין מיוצר משמנים מהצומח, גרגירי חוחבה, תמצית ריח


The Soap Cake Factory & Studio

3 Hataasiya Street, 2nd floor

09-89-240-99 |

(c) The Soap Cake Factory 2020

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The Soap Cake Factory & Studio

3 Ha'taasiya st. seconf floor.
Ra'anana, Israel
09-89-240-99 |

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